Clear, Ground + Protect

The following is the most important energy tip to protect, clear & ground your energy. It takes less than 2 minutes and this will protect you from being covered in other peoples energy (yuck!) and also stop negative peoples energy dragging you down. This is also great when you are at the beginning or on your spiritual path as it will put you in alignment.

  1. Close your eyes and take a breathe, visualise a white ball of energy in and around your body. Repeat in your head “I cleanse and clear my aura and field”.

  2. Take the energy down through the bottoms of your feet like tree roots down into the core of the earth and ground and anchor to this central point in Gaia.

  3. Return the energy up the tree roots into your body from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head. Imagine a white column coming out of your head up to the highest point of the universe and take the energy up & connect.

  4. Return the energy down the white column into your head, down to your solar plexus (stomach) and form it into a white ball made of light. The last step is to bring this energy out to cover your whole body in a white light ball to release and protect yourself for the day.

This can be done once a day (preferably in the morning) so you are protected and grounded. Repeat later if you feel in a funk as this will cleanse you, especially if you have been around negative people. If you only do step 1. this will be better than not doing at all and will take 20 seconds. 💫


10 Mind Blowing Life Lessons - Part 1


Celebrating Wins