Life Changing Energy Program

What is it?

A 5-week transformational energy program over Zoom, which will help give you life-changing results and help anchor them into your life. Once your energy is aligned, your whole life changes. You have never felt energy like this!

“Thank you so much Andrew for the wonderful journey. It was profound as always. You host and guide so well.”


⁠⁠Week 1 - 5D Reiki Energy Healing

This will gently cleanse, align, balance and open your chakras ahead of the profound journey we will be doing over the next five weeks. After this session, you will feel happier, lighter and brighter in preparation for the next phase.

Week 2 - Cosmic 5D Energy Healing

This week, we will work on self-love, self-esteem, and confidence, cut energy cords and call back your power to empower you to push you forward in your life. I will also use beauty reiki to active your inner and outer beauty.

Week 3 - Cosmic 5D Energy Healing

This week, we will clear any trauma, hurt, addiction and ancestral issues from the past. We will work on a positive mindset, health and better sleep. This is a very profound, deep healing.

Week 4 - Integration Week

This is an integration week to let the body absorb and process all the energies from the first three weeks. We will have a 20-minute Zoom or phone call to catch up and discuss any of your queries. I will also give you a playlist to meditate, if you choose to do so, to connect to the energies.

Week 5 - 5D Reiki Energy Healing

This last transformation session will seal in all the results of the past four weeks to help you feel amazing, powerful and ready to move forward in your life. This will align, balance and heal you. We will also boost your immune and nervous system.

Benefits and Healing Journey Schedule:

This is a beautiful transformation experience of sensory energy exploration, immersion and healing.

Price + Time

Earlybird offer

Ends Friday 1st November


£410 Full Price

“I really needed that! You have such a powerful yet gentle energy, it's truly an honour to connect with you and I'm so glad God/Source/Divine/The Universe and all the other names 😄, brought us together.”