Lightworker Activation

“My session with Andrew was so multidimensional that I literally saw both of us in the Pleiades doing healing work from the higher Dimensions. During our session I got much clarity for what was my intention, and soon after I was able to make a very difficult life decision.

His energetic work activated my inner-courage to take the next step in my journey and for that I’m truly grateful. I highly recommend Andrew’s session for anyone wanting to gain clarity, heal, clear stagnant energy, and connect with the higher dimensions within.”

Sunspot heAL by Andrew Lethbridge

A 5th Dimensional activation session over ZOOM or in person (London).  This is for Energy healers and lightworkers who want to take their spiritual gifts to the next level. This session will make your gifts deeper and stronger. I will hold space for you like you do for others.


This is a powerful and profound session. I work with my Pleiadian, Arcturian and Lemurian team and use galactic energies, the white ray, purple flame, light codes Lemurian water codes and to activate and heal you.

What is it?

⁠⁠- Helps connect you to your higher self and Star family

⁠- Helps take your spiritual gifts wider so you can go much deeper with your clients

⁠- Realigns your energetic system and cleans your chakras 

⁠⁠- Activates intuition 

⁠- Helps you through the ascension process

⁠- Activates your crystalline DNA

⁠- Intention to activate your 12 DNA strands

⁠- Brings you back into body to do your healing work 

⁠- Increases your crown chakra to take in more source energy for mission work

⁠- Grounds you to absorb more energy from Gaia

⁠⁠- Removal of blocks in your body which could be holding you back taking in more light codes

⁠- Removal of entities, low vibrations and energy cords

Sunspot heAL by Andrew Lethbridge

Benefits include:

This is for a lightworker / energy healer who feels frustrated and wants to take their gifts to a higher level and raise their frequency. This session is also good for a healer to hold space for you, who understands what you do and give you a powerful healing and grounding which can be much needed when dealing with other peoples energies all day. 

Who is this for?

Price + Time

Online via Zoom

Includes consultation, energy session and feedback from your body and higher self. You will need ZOOM for this session, the camera on and to lay down for the energy healing part. This can be done on a bed, sofa, yoga mat or anything you feel comfortable laying on.

1hr £140

In Person

 Includes consultation, tuning fork sound therapy and energy session and feedback from your body and higher self.

1hr 15 £180

“Andrew's intuitive abilities and deep knowledge were evident throughout the session, making it an incredibly transformative experience. The activation of the white flame was particularly powerful, bringing a sense of purity, clarity, and renewal. I felt an immediate connection to higher realms and a deeper understanding of my own spiritual path.

I highly recommend Andrew to anyone seeking profound spiritual awakening and deep inner healing. His Lightworker activation is not just a session; it's a cosmic voyage that opens new dimensions of consciousness.”