10 Mind Blowing Life Lessons - Part 1

  1. Being 100% YOU without dimming *your* light for anyone else is the BEST feeling.

  2. If you have to chase, it was never yours.

  3. TRUST your gut feeling; it’s never wrong.

  4. Do things which take you out of your comfort zone; otherwise, your comfort zone gets so tiny it starts to strangle you.

  5. Someone’s ENERGY never lies; *their* words do.

  6. Vulnerability is a SUPERPOWER 💥. It makes people love you.

  7. You can do anything if you put your mind to it 🧠. You just need to *believe* in yourself.

  8. Speak your TRUTH👄; your throat chakra will thank you for it.

  9. FORGIVE someone for doing wrong to you, as ultimately; you are releasing YOURSELF and the energy of that hurt in the body.🫂

  10. You are so PERFECT, you just don’t realise it yet 🫶.

What’s your favorite lesson?


10 Mind Blowing Life Lessons - Part 2


Clear, Ground + Protect